Summary to refute the idea that the Jews of Palestine inhabited for two thousand years, as my colleague said Altdwinh codified in the former and that is because with Canaanites, who are the biggest waves emerging from the Arabian peninsula and the migration s. M. b 3 - 4 thousand years and were originally Arabs ... That was then supposed After six centuries from entering the Canaanites did not last and the Kingdom of David and Solomon only eighty years, then split the mini and worth mentioning that Alabbaraon not blend indigenous people ... and then the Palestinians in 1184 s. Entered the m Crete and the Aegean Islands to Palestine .... Then 732 s. M entered Palestine under Assyrian rule and ten years after the Kingdom of Israel still ... In 586 s. M defeated Babylonians led "Nbokhadd victory" and the inhabitants of the Kingdom Travelers "Judea" to Babylon and destroyed "Nbokhadd victory" structure ... . In 63 s. M. Romans occupied Palestine and Jerusalem, and in 135 m burning Roman emperor Hdrian the structure .. and around Jerusalem to the Roman colony, dubbed "Ailia" Jews began migrating outside Jerusalem and Palestine, meaning that they dispersed outside Palestine in Roman days Agsreis Hama very very briefly summarized Jews for them to rest for a period of 2000 years in the land of Palestine and they are the original race in the true owner of the land and they are so vast .... ************************************************** ********************************** And there is also this very beautiful article to Dr. Waleed Ahmed was formerly known Bachammas Asalmalmkal Christian and very beautiful, the most beautiful of which is a reference to the Torah is - The first book in (the Old Testament) is the (Composition), and say that this is the first part of the (biblical Moses Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him) and mentioned that Ibrahim peace be upon him came from the country of Iraq and age 75 years, and entered the land of Canaan (Composition 31:11) No owns the brunt of the feet, but God and several have progeny - including gold to Egypt (Composition 10:12) Vtkabl then returned with the (King Halim), which invited now (Jerusalem), says arguments that the King was (a priest Allah Ali), as he meets with Ibrahim - taking credit God bless Ibrahim (Composition 18:14). This means that residents of this city who worship God because people on religion Mlokhm-established in the land of Canaan-to-tent in the area (Habron), calling (Beit El) any (House of God) After 10 years living God eldest son (Ismail) (Composition 10:16) And God gave the land to be descendants extends from the Nile to the Euphrates and promise to be the father of the audience from the United (Composition 4:17) The sign of this is the Covenant (circumcision), and was the first circumcised any of the first earned the Covenant - is Ismail (of 17) Ibrahim and his family remained for ten more years to live in tents in (Habron) (composition 1:18) Nor has the Shubra of the land of Canaan, after the destruction .- do Ammoura and moved southward and lived in the area (Cádiz and Assyria) between the Palestinians - in (city tractor) and Akrema King of Palestine (Abimalk) (Composition 20). There born (Isaac), with the large (Ismail) then came God promised to Ismail and immigrated to be descendants of Ishmael (great nation) (composition of 17:21-21) and lived with (Ismail) (immigrated) in the area (land Beersheba) - then leave Ibrahim land Palestinians went to visit the (Beersheba) in order to worship God (formation 22:21) Then he went back to live among the Palestinians for many years (Composition 24:2) was spent together many treaties (Composition 22:21) - and Ibrahim returned to the land of Canaan bought from (leave) is the first piece of land - to be buried where his wife (Sarah) (form 23), which (Cave Almkwilh that in the field (Lon) - induction before Bleutat conduit in the ground (Habron)) - Ibrahim then died aged 175 years - a hundred years lived mostly with the Palestinians did not have the impact in the country. The burial subjected Ismail and Isaac-in the same cemetery with his wife (Composition 8:25-10) - and lived (Isaac) in the same place - and then he went to the (clay) to live guest on the Palestinians (Composition 9:26) and Akrema King of Palestine (Abimalk) and gave Palestinians ground for cultivators, Frbh lot, and Hsdh Palestinians, leaving their city, and lived in the valley adjacent to, and then abandoned to (Beersheba) (ground Ismail) .- treaty was signed between (Isaac) and the King of the Palestinians and the army commander (Composition 26: 26) ( They have the same names, they Ibrahim days of a hundred years ago??). - The birth and Esau Ya-Ya (son of Isaac) return to the country of Mesopotamia (Haran) (Composition 28: 10) To escape from his brother (Esau), which went to the land (Beni Orient)?? (Composition 29: 1) There has lived and married sisters and Khademtehma, and the birth of four twelve-girls and boys (of 29: 30) before returning Ya, prior to cross the Jordan River to enter orbit (Kanaan) matched his brother, his brother Yaakov Visadjad seven times and invites him ( Sir) says it (I saw your face like the face of God)?? (Composition 23: 2) Verdi by his brother and allow him to enter the land of Canaan. Ya-enter the Earth (Alhmurien) - in the town (IrShalem) on the borders (Kanaan) and buy a piece of there - from the field (Hmor) Abe (Hkim) to reside in (tent) for him and his family (Composition 33: 18-19), and there Ya beings betrayed the people of the city (of 34) They ran to (Beit El) and then to (Efrath), which is (Bethlehem) and his wife died there (Rachel) during childbirth-Vdvinha it. There Matt (Yitzhak) Vdvenh Yacoub and subjected Esau (Composition 35: 27) - Ya returned to the land (Kanaan) and resided in (Hkim) Alhmurien land where the eldest daughter married a Canaanite woman. The (Joseph) to Egypt-then all came to Egypt (Composition 45, 46) and the number was 70 or 76 individuals?? ((Sic written in the (Composition 46: 26, 27))). Yacoub and then die Idvenh people of the cave-field Almkwilh with Abraham and Isaac, the company (nation) - in the land of Canaan (Composition 49: 39, the composition of 57) and estimated this period about one hundred and fifty years as the dates men. After (Yousef) Jews lived in Egypt about 450 years and then left them with the Prophet (Musa) peace be upon him. Canaanites and entered orbit only about God (Yashu 13: 2) (First book attributed to the Prophet's son Houchaa N. peace be upon him. And they call Joshua) before death (Houchaa Ben-Nun) wrote in this book (Joshua) says: (has remained land-many not enter the Jews-a: All the land of the Palestinians and all Gacurien front-Egypt-Palestinians and five poles - namely: Al Ghazzi, and Acrodi Acgulwni and Aljti and Alakaroni .. And others) intended them: five kingdoms Palestinian (with five kings): the Strip. Eshrod. Ashkelon. Happened. 'Eqron and has five this country belong to the Palestinians throughout the period mentioned later in the book (Old Testament) did not have the Jews, including one meter-not even after the advent of Christ in peace after lifting. Before death (Houchaa Ben N) were divided territory (Kanaan) only between Tribes (Bani Israel), the twelve-by order of God (Joshua 13). Day following the Houchaa Ben-Nun: the era of (judges) (Judges 10: 7) Abdel-Jews-all kinds of idols in Jerusalem (Jerusalem) - The result was (fuels anger God to Beni-Israel and the Palestinians, however, reportedly sold Israel eight years - in all the land of the Children of Israel) (Judges 13: 1) (Then returned beings Israel worked evil in the eyes of God-Vdfhm hands of the Lord to the Palestinians forty years) and thus reiterates the matter (Judges 14: 4) (The Palestinians domineering at all land Bani Israel killed) and (Samson) (Jewish legend) after it took him a slave they have. in the next era - an era of the Prophet (Samuel) - the Prophet (Shamuel) came in the book attributed to the Prophet: (Samuel I 4: 1) (and left the army beings Israel to meet with the Palestinians - Vanksr (were defeated) beings Israel before the Palestinians) The repeated defeat (Samuel I 4: 7) (and fought and defeated built Palestinians who fled Israel-Palestinians taking a coffin in the Covenant) (Samuel I. 5: 1) (taking a coffin Covenant and the Palestinians come to the Ashdod then () then happened to him then to 'Eqron there has been seven months). A Palestinian towns under the rule of kings of Palestine at that time. Recently King (Talot) and the name in the media (Saúl) read on the armies of the Palestinians evidence greatness State Palestinians in that era: (Samuel I 13: 5) (met Palestinians to fight Children of Israel days Saúl King: Thirty thousand military vehicles and six thousand people and Knight (Army) soldiers on the beach sand by the sea .. Fajtba Jews in the caves and wells Agheiamn .. All Jewish people Artab Palestinians) In (Samuel I 17) occurred first defeat of the Palestinians at the hands of the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him - Dawood In (Samuel I 21: 10) smuggled from King David Saúl and Jews - and Palestinians hiding when the king (King happened) - Vakrema he and his parents-then in (Samuel I 27: 12) David flee for the second time and was hiding when the king and his men, who Akremam Palestinians, and he stayed seven months and helped (David) Palestinians in their war against the Jews, the killing of (David) of the Jews countless numbers ( did not leave a man or woman)? Then (Samuel I 31) Palestinians and Jews beaten and killed Hzmohm theirs (Saúl) and his children - Jews leaving their towns and fled to the mountains and came Palestinians and inhabited place and reiterates this in the book (news days top 10: 1) On-book (Samuel II) - Having become (David) as King of the Jews, the recovery of his parents and his wives and children of the King when Palestinian Akremam too. Then (David) response beautiful, and the Palestinians fought and defeated twice? Without a reason?? This method book Jews and Christians to define the characteristics of the prophets despicable Kalgdr, betrayal, adultery, worship idols. In the next-Covenant Prophet Solomon became king of the Jews - and both Jews and Christians do not recognize Npute and consider it a wise man only. In the book (Kings first 4: 24) The limits of the Kingdom of Jews to end at the borders of Gaza City, which did not enter into the Kingdom never Jews. The then king of the Palestinians. In the book (news days CO 17: 11) became kings of kings Palestinians Friends Children of Israel (who Ruled after the death of Solomon) and (news days CO 21: 16) written (Palestinians and the Arabs opened cities Judas (the area surrounding the envelope ) and Spoa all funds in Beit Judas-king and took his children and women slaves about God? ) Written in such arguments (news days CO 28: 18) (Palestinians stormed the city and South Coast Judas, and took the cities of Beit sun and Elon and Jderott and Soko and villages, and the city Tmanh and villages-and inhabited there) and then came (Nbouchz Nasser) King of Babylon taking the Jewish slaves in Babylon, and the looting of their property. The Palestinians in their country. After the return of the Jews from Babylon God-sent to the Prophet (Ezequiel), and identified them land in which they live-and told them (Ezekiel 47: 13) It includes land surrounding the city of Jerusalem only-and their conditions (Tksmunha lot-you For strangers fall in Stkm might Kaloutnyen of the Children of Israel Iqasmonakm inheritance) and beyond-it (Ezra), (Nehemiah) - Leaders-au-prophets-and male titles in the Machiavellians them - that the Jews returned from the (Babylon 9 and the number does not exceed a few hundred, and inhabited all in Jerusalem only (Ezra 10: 9), (Nehemiah 5: 14) and not only Jews but were mixed Genealogy, where remarried all peoples around them, especially friars who married non-Jewish women and delivered them (Ezra 9: 2, 10: 18), (Nehemiah 13: 23) The northern cities of Palestine-and claiming (magical) have lived there for many other peoples, and is inhabited by Jews and include all the land of Canaan, except a small portion perimeter envelope is the only part inhabited by Jews (Ezra 4: 8 - 10) Then came the Romans invaded the country and the Jews from about two centuries before Christ ago, and stayed where he came to Christ and the peace of Christ said to the Jews famous aphorism about the structure of the Solomon were proud of the day (a home is left in ruins until you say Mubarak following name of the Lord) and I mean by e Mohammed. Having described in the subject (Promised Land) - (Angel Luke 13: 35) and cried Christ on the Jewish state which they describe how the Romans destroyed the city of Jerusalem, where residents are killed (Angel Luke 19: 41-44), said after the (Angel Luke 21: 20 - 24) These days will be days of reprisals God of the Jews, and enraged them, and they die and ELOUBA sword, hunger and the diaspora all over the world. The Bible does not destroy the structure left by a stone on stone, and Jerusalem remain under occupation (even complement times United), which Bishara other e Prophet Muhammad, because Jews and Christians know that the word (United) means (third Jewish people) have (supplemented its time) emergence of the Prophet Arab illiteracy. The country remained under occupation Romanian Jews free from the Jews and even the temples of Islam and the opening of Omar bin Khattab - Jerusalem and allowed the Jews to return to it after that prevent them Christians-Roman-entry of Christ did not mention something else about the reconstruction of the Temple of Solomon. Even if this indicates that the final destroy God. This is because the Islamic religion which came after Christ has no structures or temples not only mosques. From all this we can deduce: 1. The Palestinians were in the home of Ibrahim before Jesus peace be upon him, and possession Igmunha-and five kingdoms are strong, and they mentioned that the dispersion of the Jews in the whole world 2. The land of Palestine is not the promised land (the land of Canaan), which include Jerusalem and the surrounding villages only .3. The Palestinians were - and remain-a strong independent length of the presence of Jews in the Promised Land - that the dispersion of the Jews .4. If reviewed the subject (Promised Land) with this issue will ensure that the God Almighty judgment on the Jews, they do not deserve the Promised Land-and refused to invite them (God's chosen people), which is emphasized by Christ while also predicted the destruction of Jerusalem and the structure and not the structure again . This is the Torah's the same even that marred some distortion and I can only say and witness of its people ....
lot of thanks to shams eldin
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